Have you ever experienced server pain in the heel of your foot when taking your first few steps in the morning? Are some walkers more at risk than others? Patients complaining pain in one of the heels or back of the foot, often returns from the doctor's office with a diagnosis of Calcaneal spur. Discover the cause, prevention and effective treatment of Calcaneal spur.
The technical name for heel bone is Calcaneus, which is one of the foot bones. Spur means a bony projection. A bony spur, also known as a heel spur, that projects from the back or underside of the heel bone. Calcaneal spurs are associated with inflammation of the Achilles tendon (Achilles tendinitis).

Risk factors for heel spurs include:
You're more likely to get the condition if you're a woman, if you're overweight, or if you have a job that requires a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces. You're also at risk if you walk or run for exercise, if you are a diabetic. People with very flat feet or very high arches are also more prone to plantar fasciitis.
What causes bone spurs ?
When a foot bone is exposed to constant stress, calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. Obese people, flatfooted people, and women who constantly wear high-heeled shoes are most susceptible to heel spurs.
The classic symptom of this condition is pain when first taking a step out of bed in the morning or after any prolonged rest period. Usually, pain is present in the plantar-medial aspect of the calcaneus and maybe bilateral or unilateral. This pain later turns into a dull ache. They often complain that the sharp pain returns after they stand up after sitting for a prolonged period of time. Heel spurs cause local foot pain, tenderness, and sometimes swelling.
How is calcaneal spurs diagnosed?
Bone spurs are detected by radiologic testing, such as with plain X-rays.
What is the treatment for bone spurs?
Initial treatment is directed toward decreasing inflammation and avoiding reinjury when possible. Local cold application can help when the location of the bone spur is accessible. Local mechanical measures, such as orthotics, or shoe inserts, and local bone spur pads might be considered, depending on the location of the bone spur.
If you have heel pain that persists for more than one month, consult a health care provider.
Homoeopathic treatment:
There are some effective homeopathic medicines prescribed on the basis of exact case analysis. The selection of such a medicine could not be easy; may best be done by a experienced homeopath, after evaluating the x-ray. Homeopathy can offer excellent relief in pain in many cases. However, it cannot reverse the bony growth. The patient may have to take medicine periodically. Radiological cure may not be achieved.
General Management:
• Rest as much as possible
• Apply ice to the painful area. Do this at least twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes, more often in the first couple of days.
• Wear proper-fitting shoes with shock-absorbent soles.
• Use a heel cup, felt pads in the heel area, or shoe insert.
• warming up and doing stretching exercises before each activity
• Avoid wearing shoes with excessive wear on the heels and soles
• If you are overweight, losing weight may also help prevent heel spurs.