“Growing old healthy has become a dream of all”. But in recent days that’s been only a dream specially for women old age brings a lot of health challenges along. A lady of 52 yrs walked in saying she has terrible body pains. This started after her menopause. “Ï feel all my bones are beaten up” On BMD test it was confirmed that she has Osteoporosis.
Your bone is a living tissue, continuously breaking down and building back up. Throughout your childhood and teen years, your body works hard to build bone. By about age 30, people are at their peak bone mass. After that, your body maintains a balance between formation (building new bone) and resorption (losing bone). Osteoporosis occurs when, for various reasons, this balance is lost, and bone loss outpaces bone replacement.
The Onset of Osteoporosis:
Your bones are living structures that change and grow.. Osteoporosis means "porous bone," and it's a disorder characterized by "holey" bones. This might be confusing because if you viewed a healthy bone under a microscope, it would have gaps similar to those in a honeycomb. But an osteoporotic bone contains much bigger spaces than healthy bones.

As a teenager, you grow more bone than you lose. Between the ages of 18 and 25, you'll have attained the greatest amount of bone you will ever have. This is called peak bone mass.
But as we age, our ability to rebuild new bone gradually slows down, and bone loss rises. For many women, bone loss becomes a major problem because of the significant drop in estrogen levels. Estrogen supports osteoblasts, which produce bone. When oestrogen levels drop, your body's ability to make new bone drops as well. This process may eventually cause a significant loss of bone mass or density, resulting in osteoporosis.
The bone loss that develops slowly in the course toward osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms or outward signs. The first a patient knows of their osteoporosis may be an unexpected fracture after a minor fall.
A slip or strain- may result in a fracture. Typical breaks occur in the hip, wrist, or a vertebra collapses in the spine. These latter breaks in the spine lead to a loss of posture - the stooping appearance that is often seen in older people (a spinal deformity called kyphosis)
Your Body Mineral Density results are expressed as a number called a T-score. The basic range of scores is:
• +1 to -1 means your bones are considered normal
• -1 to -2.5 means you have osteopenia, or low bone density
• -2.5 or lower means you have osteoporosis
We talk about what needs to be done once someone has been identified to be in an early stage of the disease .Osteoporosis prevention relies primarily on a healthy, calcium-rich diet, adequate vitamin D intake, weight-bearing exercise, and other healthy habits. Making the right choices now can significantly impact your level of osteoporosis risk later in life.
• Increase your calcium intake. Both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health. You can make sure that you're getting the daily recommended doses of each by taking a daily calcium supplement —adults require about 1,000 mg of calcium per day and by getting 15 minutes of sunlight (since vitamin D is made naturally in the body during sunlight exposure).
• Engage in weight-bearing exercise.
• Maintain a healthy body weight. Your bones have the best shot at long-term health if you are neither over- nor underweight.
Homeopathic remedies will help control pain, will slow down or stop further bone loss, can promote stability and healing. Homeopathic remedies will allow the essential minerals and nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently, thus, further preventing bone fractures, or accelerating healing of any existing fractures by strengthening the bones.
Homeopathic constitutional approach takes into account a person’s characteristic symptoms, their overall physical and mental condition and understands the way a person’s body reacts to Osteoporosis. It is a safe and gentle way to tackle osteoporosis. It works both to correct osteoporosis and prevent further nutritional deficiency.