“I am tired answering the whole world about my issue. I can’t take it anymore” said a young lady as she entered the clinic. They were married since 3 years. They postponed the pregnancy using oral contraceptives and all other methods for the first year, but later when they desired she could not conceive. It became stigmata in the family and society. More than the pain of infertility the taunts of the society were hurting her.
This is a current issue in the society today. Infertility is rising statistically and the new technology like IVF even upto test tube baby are setting a challenge in the medical world. Let’s read a bit more about it.......
If a couple fails to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected and regular intercourse, it is an indication to investigate the couple. This is based on the observation that 80% of normal couples achieve conception within a year.

What is the fertile window?
Your fertile window is made up of the days in your menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The length of this fertile phase is determined by the maximum life span of your partner's sperm and your egg. Sperm can survive a maximum of five days in fertile cervical fluid and your ovum can survive for up to one- two day. Your theoretical fertile window is thus six days long, comprised of the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. You only have a chance to conceive when you have intercourse on these days. This means that pregnancy is technically possible from intercourse on any of these six days. The likelihood of actually becoming pregnant, however, is dramatically increased when you have intercourse in the three days immediately leading up to and including ovulation. This makes a practical fertile window of just three days.
There are two types:
Primary infertility : Refers to the condition in which a couple has never been able to conceive.
Secondary infertility : Refers to those cases where a couple has been successful in conceiving at least once, but has been unsuccessful after that.
• Congenital defects
• Hormonal disorders - Either underactive thyroid or overactive thyroid (hypo or hyperthyroid), hypothalamic and pituitary disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes,
• Cervical factors – patency, infections,
• Uterine causes :- malformed uterus, uterine fibroids,
• Tubal factors :- salphingitis, tubal blockage.
• Ovarian factors :- polycystic ovarian disease(PCOD)
• Other causes :- Chronic ill health, Stress, Diet, Poor nutrition.
1. History – age, history regarding coital difficulty, menstrual history, diabetic, thyroid dysfunction may be evident.
2. Examination – height, weight, blood pressure, hirsutism, examination of thyroid and breast is important .
3. Special investigations
1. Tests for tubal patency
The peristaltic movements of the fallopian tube help in propulsion of sperms and the fertilized egg in either direction. The loss of any of these functions could prevent conception.
2. Hysterosalpingography : This is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This can help them find physical blocks that may be causing infertility.
3. Basal Body Temperature: it is established that the BBT falls at the time of ovulation by about half degree Fahrenheit
4. Endometrial biopsy: It consists of curetting small pieces of the endometrium from the uterus with a small endometrial biopsy curette preferably one or two days before the onset of menstruation
5. Fern test : At the time of ovulation the cervical mucus is thin and profuse that the patient may notice a clear discharge. This ovulation mucus has the property of great elasticity and will with stand stretching up to 10 cm. The dry days are infertile days and wet days are fertile.

6. Ultrasound: Ultrasound has now become the standard procedure for monitoring maturation of the graafian follicle. This requires daily ultrasonic visualization of ovaries from 10th to 16th day of the menstrual cycle.
7. Hormonal assay :- Hormonal study – plasma progesterone, luteinizing hormone, FSH, thyroid tests should be done .
Before deciding on the way of treatment decide on if the case falls into the purview of the homeopathic treatment or not (surgical cases should be treated accordingly)
Homeopathic treatment lays great emphasis on a person’s “constitution”. This relates to one’s state of health, including one’s temperament, sensibilities, sensitivities, idiosyncrasies, and inherited or acquired characteristics.
Homeopathic treatment of Infertility addresses both physical and emotional imbalances in a person. Homeopathy plays a role in treating Infertility by strengthening the reproductive organs in both men and women, by regulating hormonal balance, menstruation and ovulation in women, by escalating blood flow into the pelvic region, by mounting the thickness of the uterine lining and preventing the uterus from contracting hence abating chances of a miscarriage, and by increasing quality and quantity of sperm count in men. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine directed at assisting the body’s own healing process.
CASE :- A lady came with the complaints of difficult to concieve since 3 years of married life . They had not used any contraceptive methods yet there was no issue yet. She had to reply to her family and society which produced a lot of inferiority. When her case was taken in detail it was noticed that she had symptoms of PCOS which was confirmend by a USG. She was sobar and mild, very fragile and changeable. She has a lot of variation in her mood. Based on this symptoms medicine was prescribed, and the lady started to get her menses regularly in few months and in the mater of 8-9 months her pregnancy test came positive.